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How judgement is impacting your culture.


Judgement - we’re all wired to do it according to scientific research. It is built into our primal survival mechanism, to keep us safe. It’s deep in our programming in our subconscious mind which is running our lives most of the time.

Some people judge way more than others and so there are many other reasons why we judge, such as our childhood experience. If it was modelled to us when we were young or were often criticised, then we may have adopted the same behaviour. It can also come from envy and we can do it to make us feel superior.

It also makes us feel safer. If we’re judging others, it takes the focus off us and our short comings.

What’s the impact of judgement? How does it make you feel?

What's the impact of judgement

When discussing judgement in workshops, I ask what emotions are present when you’re in judgment. Frequent answers include angry, frustrated, annoyed, fearful etc. In other words, emotions that don’t feel good.

How we behave is directly impacted by how we’re feeling, so if we’re in judgement and feeling rubbish, we’re more likely to react, to make decisions that aren’t the best, to say things we will later regret.

All things that can damage relationships, that are damaging relationships. And when you add in that so many people don’t even realise they’re judging because it’s so habitual, so automatic, you start to see how judgement is having a major impact on your workplace culture.

So how do you change that?

Create a culture of curiosity. A culture where curiosity is modelled by leadership. To do this, those in leadership have to be willing to do their own personal development work, to look at and get curious with themselves. To learn about their limiting perspectives and beliefs and unlock the blocks. To create Self Leadership.

This is why I wrote The Curiosity Culture Course. You can find more information about it here and once you’ve had a read, I’d love to chat if you’re curious.

Happy co-workers

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